There are many models of news, each with their own unique pros and cons. Inverted pyramid style news is one such model, whereby talented people put together events for a certain audience. The impact of news can be judged by the audience’s reaction, while the Mirror Model states that the news should reflect reality. The Organizational Model, also called Bargaining Model, emphasizes the application of political pressure to governmental processes. And finally, the Political Model outlines that news is a reflection of the ideologies of people and various political pressures.
Violence and scandal
Although numerous studies have described the coverage of sexual and other forms of violence, none has investigated how regional differences affect the coverage of such events. To conduct this study, researchers analyzed 2600 news articles from 48 of the top traditional print media outlets in the United States. Each outlet was stratified by national and regional reach, and 130 articles were selected from each stratum per publication year. They also identified which terms were commonly used in news stories, such as sexual violence, sexual harassment, and “scandal.”
To achieve a more diverse and inclusive media landscape, we must examine the importance of locality in news. Currently, we see many regional newspapers disappearing or undergoing temporary hiatuses, but this isn’t necessarily the fault of local journalists. We can make the news more representative by examining corporate acquisitions of local media. There are two major challenges here. First, local newspapers are unable to compete with national publications, and second, corporate acquisitions of local media have stifled local journalism.
The timeliness of news has long been an important element in news production. Its use in the nineteenth century helped establish the notion of the news as a ritual. The application of electricity to communication was a major technological development, and it affected news in important ways. Timeliness had become more important than objectivity. There are three elements to journalistic timeliness:
Broadcasters have come under criticism for failing to deliver impartial journalism. It has been suggested that news bulletins reproduce the agenda and viewpoints of dominant voices and elites. Recent academic surveys have backed up these claims, and MeCCSA recently passed a motion to highlight the lack of impartiality in news coverage. Impartiality is an important principle to be upheld by news outlets, but there are practical problems with ensuring its delivery.